May 22, 2005 6:18 AM   Subscribe

Browstoner renovations. Watch a brownstown be renovated blog post by blog post.
posted by srboisvert (9 comments total)
I've been following that for a little while. It's good, but there is potential for a much more interesting site. I've renovated some brownstones and townhouses (for clients, not myself!) and either the project is going uniquely smoothly, he doesn't want to post about disagreements with the contractor/architect or he's insulated from a lot of the design and construction. Either way, some posts about the process along with the pictures would be fascinating.

The commentors seem to be a fairly knowledgeable lot too, with a mixture of experiences. Plus they have the potential to get a bit cranky - I think it was on that site that there was a bit of a hullabaloo over lead paint on salvaged windows for the interior a while back.

(The project must be mighty expensive though - just for pure property porn purposes it would be fun to read a little, however vague, about who he is and where he comes from).
posted by dublinemma at 7:09 AM on May 22, 2005

Ooh, another home improvement journal. Thanks! For those interested, here are some more links in same vein:

Craig & Yvonne's Victorian House
Brickman House
Enon Hall
House In Progress
posted by Civil_Disobedient at 10:27 AM on May 22, 2005

House Of Newton. It's cool to self-link in comments, right? Right.
posted by newton at 12:01 PM on May 22, 2005

Ah, how we all love house porn :) As shameless house voyeurs, my husband and I have collected over 100 links to house renovation/restoration/building websites and blogs in our blogroll. So many have jumped into the fray, that we use HouseBlogs to track almost 60 of them.

Enon Hall is one of the oldest houseblogs and one of the best photographed, IMHO. Other personal favorites for either excellent writing, juicy photos, humor or unique situations:

A Fisherman's House (France)
The Last Nail (Calif - though I wish he'd update)
Pigeon Point Project (Seatlle - live webcam!)
To Restore a House (Virginia)
Raise the Ranch (NJ)
Switched at Birth (Florida)
Casa Decrepit (California)
Straw House Blog (Canada)
Spanish Revival (California)

All open houses, all the time.
posted by jeanmari at 12:24 PM on May 22, 2005

A bunch of my friends are brown stoners.
posted by bashos_frog at 1:23 PM on May 22, 2005

Seems I missed posting at 4:20, by minutes....
posted by bashos_frog at 1:24 PM on May 22, 2005

Enon Hall is one of the oldest houseblogs and one of the best photographed, IMHO.

While I'm always keen on some hardcore House Porn, I was not very impressed with the renovations done to Enon Hall. The repairs tended to be along the lines of "just get it fixed up so we can use it" instead of "let's do this the right way the first time, even if it's the hardest way." (Just for example, the kitchen floor in March, 2001). Also, not enough photos.

I've yet to see a site as thorough and well-pictured, and a renovation as detailed and complete as Craig and Yvonne's Victorian house.
posted by Civil_Disobedient at 5:02 PM on May 22, 2005

Wow, Clinton Hill historical district. Maybe he and I are neighbors--I just moved in to a "basement" apartment in a house of similar make. Ah, gentrification.
posted by A dead Quaker at 5:53 PM on May 22, 2005

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